Tuesday, September 1, 2009

and so it goes...

put the final issue (#12) of my baby, Wednesday Comics to bed today. Lots of hard work, lots of great writing and drawin' by lots of great creators. Thanks guys from the bottom of my exhausted heart (except for Stelfreeze and Paul Pope, youse guys were punkass!).


  1. A hell of an achievement, pal. Shazam!

  2. Seconded!
    WC gives me a reason to go to the shop every week.
    Soothes my classic and contemporary art needs in one buy.

  3. Totally bowled over by Wednesday Comics, Mark. "Put...to bed"! No way! The bad news is something this good must continue forever! Go to it!

  4. I salute you, O Captain. You not only bested the white whale, but you did it for 12 weeks straight. Whoa!

  5. congrat man! does this mean you'll have time for a drink now? :)

  6. Looking forward to picking up the last one tomorrow. I sit in a newspaper graphics department with a couple of other artists and we have really enjoyed it!
