...since I last posted. Been hunkered down in the office, editing those pesky Watchmen books, and traveling a lot.
Which brings me to Chicago this weekend for C2E2.
Just hopped over to the 'Wiener Circle' on N. Clark for a dog (yes, dragged through the garden, blah, blah, blah), but much more importantly, stopped by the incredible 'Mollys Cupcakes' to say hello to the owner, Mike (of Ron and Fez fame). He's the most awesomely nice guy who happens to make the GREATEST cupcakes (by far!) on the planet.
Really, if you're ever in Chicago, you have to stop by and try the 'Ron Bennington Cupcake.' Tell em' Fezzy sent ya!
ps...special thanks to Hannah for being so nice.
pss...Mollys is at: 2535 N. Clark St, Chicago, IL.