Friday, June 19, 2009

the return of 'matinee' sketching...

a few years ago, artist galpal Christine Norrie and I started a small, elite sketching group.  The weekly subject was always a favorite movie or actor.  We ended up with a whole bunch of fun drawings, mainly because we never took it very seriously. Well, life got in the way and the practice fell by the wayside, but fear not!  We've decided to jump back in, and thus "MATINEE" is reborn.
Our first new subject: everyone's favorite movie star, Paul Newman.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

sketch of the day...

just trying to keep the pencil warm.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


...shows you how slack I am, really nice guy Steven Gettis invited me to join his fabulous website "Hey, Oscar Wilde, it's Clobbering Time!" years and years ago.  The site features drawings of great fictional characters from literature (or great authors OF literature), done by illustrators and comic book artists.  I told Steven that I'd love to contribute, and would be sending him a drawing of my favorite character from literature, Jacob Marley.
About 12 years (and a lot of guilt) pass, with Steven patiently nudging me every few years.  Well, I've finally found the time to send Steven a drawing of another of my favorite fictional characters: Addie Pray, from the novel "Addie Pray" by Joe David Brown (or better known by it's movie title: "Paper Moon").
Thanks for your considerable patience, Steven.
Please visit the fabulous site and gawk at all of the great artwork:

b-day greeting from the Masters...#3

...and the last of my three birth-day posts from the year 2000, this one from the INCREDIBLE Jordi Bernet.  lucky me, huh?

b-day greeting from the Masters...#2

one of about 300 drawings I have from old pal Alex Toth, the greatest comic book artist of all time.  For obvious reasons, this one is extra special.

b-day greeting from the Masters...#1

...from my personal art collection:
waaaaaaay back in the year 2000, good pal Tim Sale helped organize my secret surprise 40th birthday party.  needless to say, I hated the party, but I did love the invitation that Tim drew.  I'll BET you've never seen this before...