Sunday, May 31, 2009

Basil Chicken w/ Rose

can't resist a photo of my beautiful daughter Rose, who could?

Kurosawa in NY

Walking down the street, past the Film Forum, of course a new poster for Akira Kurosawa's classic RASHOMON catches my eye.  The poster, by old college buddy Kent Williams (painter extraordinaire).
Don't the funniest things happen in New York?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Q...what's better than seeing Spinal Tap at the Beacon last night? about Elvis Costello coming on stage to take lead vocals for a version of "Gimme Some Money"?

Monday, May 25, 2009

what life is all about (possibly)

Just got back from a wonderful weekend with my painter pals (George Pratt, John Van Fleet, Scott Hampton, and Chris Moeller), in Washington DC. 
Lots of art gazing, especially at the incredible National Portrait Gallery (the most under-rated museum in America).  Lots of Thomas Dewing (top), Whistler, Abbott Thayer (bottom) and all the boys. Food for the soul.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

sorry, i couldn't help myself...

*this trip down memory lane brought to you by the good people at topps, inc.

hats off to kevin & jody!

ok, I know not everyone is as much of a Disneyland nut as I am, but IF you are, you MUST check out the awesome flickr page that showcases Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily's work.  The defining factors to everything they create is an unabashed love of all things Disney, a classy, sophisticated design sense and just darn good taste.
Please give their work a looksee and a round of applause:

Monday, May 18, 2009

somewhere in the wilds of Germany...

I recently finished an ad campaign for the German branch of Carhartt Clothing.  Actually had a lot of fun doing the paintings (when I could actually find the time to do them!).  My Art Director, Coskun sent me this photo of two of the printed posters hanging in a clothing shop somewhere in Berlin.  cool.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

if I must, I must...

Somebody forced me to create a website even thought I don't know why I need one.  Someone else forced me to create a blog even though I don't know why I need one of those either.
The accompanying photo of baseball great Pete Rose is a special gift from me to all those people that force me to do things that I don't want to do.  enjoy.